Intraneural Injection of Botulinum Toxin-A in Palliative Care and Unresponsive Neuropathic Pain
Pages 25-30
María del Pilar Ascensio Mercado,Marilina Susana Olea,Ana Teles Rodrigues,Karla Espinoza Morales,Juan Jose Llavador Ros,Ece Yamak Altinpulluk,Carlos H. Salazar-Zamorano,Felice Galluccio,Mario Fajardo-Pérez
Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Lavage in Calcific Plantar Fasciitis
Pages 39-40
Felice Galluccio,Gabriel Camunas,Alejandro Fernández Gibello,Mario Fajardo Perez
Can Bipartite Patella Cause Knee Pain? A Sonographic Point of View
Pages 41-43
Ying-Chun Chen,Wei-Ting Wu,Ke-Vin Chang,Levent Özçakar
Pages 31-33
Muhammed Mustafa Ozturk, Fatih Bagcier,Pinar Oztop Ciftkaya,Mustafa Turgut Yildizgoren
How Can ChatGPT Help a Pain Physician? Add-On or Stand-Alone?
Pages 34-35
Ke-Vin Chang,Min Cheol Chang, Levent Özçakar
Pages 36-38
Ke-Vin Chang, Po-Kai Wang,Chih-Peng Lin,Guo-Fang Tseng
Pages 44-45
Felice Galluccio,Alejandro Fernández Gibello,Gabriel Camunas,Mario Fajardo Perez